Generate a random API key in Rust
Published: Sep 28, 2024
I'm slowly going to migrate my saas product from Next.js to Rust using the Rust web framework Rocket.
One of the task I needed to clone in Rust was generating a random public api key. From the Rust Cookbook I found this resource, in the section titled Create random passwords from a set of alphanumeric characters.
use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
use rand::distributions::Alphanumeric;
fn main() {
let rand_string: String = thread_rng()
println!("{}", rand_string);
Here's how I'm using it in my Rocket web application.
use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
use rand::distributions::Alphanumeric;
async fn register_domain() -> Template {
let public_api_key = generate_a_random_public_api_key();
Template::render("dashboard/register-domain", context! { public_api_key })
fn generate_a_random_public_api_key() -> String {
let rand_string: String = thread_rng()
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